Since January 2023, we have been using a new system for customer reviews of products. Older reviews have been re-imported and displayed by language.

Several types of reviews are published on our site SmokerShop:

- Product reviews, which give consumers the opportunity to evaluate a product

- Shop reviews, which give consumers the opportunity to rate our shop

Writing a review on SmokerShop

All consumers who have made a purchase on our site can write a review of a product and/or the shop. A few days after delivery of the purchased product, the consumer will receive an e-mail inviting him/her to write a review.

The review consists of 

  • an overall score expressed in stars (from 1 to 5)
  • a comment with details about the review

Once completed and submitted, this review will be forwarded to our customer service team for the moderation process below. 

Encouraging to write a review

To encourage customers to write a review, they will receive a small discount on their next purchase. We do not want to take advantage of this which is why this discount is small. This discount is granted to good and bad reviews.

The customer is entitled to a one-off discount valid for one year.

*Unfortunately, this coupon is not allowed on vape products (legal requirement)

Moderation process product and shop reviews

To ensure the compliance of reviews before they are published on SmokerShop, several rules must be respected:

  • the review must relate to the use of the product indicated on the product sheet (same manufacturer, brand, model, version, etc.)
  • the review must not indicate a problem arising from incorrect use of the product
  • the review must not indicate a problem related to a matter currently being handled by our after-sales service
  • the review must not contain any personal data
  • the review must not refer to other sellers, websites, shops or blogs
  • the review should not contain hyperlinks to other websites
  • the review must comply with all applicable laws and regulations
  • the review must not contain offensive, hateful, defamatory or discriminatory content

If any of the above rules are not followed, the review may be rejected and not published.

Good and bad reviews approved by the moderation process are published.

With good reviews, we are happy that the customer made a good purchase. If the reviews are bad, we can improve our service and do even better!